Sims 4 Move Objects Up And Down Wall Rating: 6,7/10 7030 votes

Think SmallHi, I’m Jason Sterling. There was a lot of excitement over the new roofs added to the base game selection for the Sims 4. However, I’m someone who loves not only tiny houses but also the tiny apartments in San Myshuno. As such, I was far more anticipating the ability to make things smaller.

It’s something I’ve wanted for a long time. I set out to test the new ability and below are my successes and failures and uncertainties while thinking small.You’ll need this cheat:. bb.MoveObjects (MOO) Allows build/buy items to be freely moved around within the build and activates the height slider that raises objects up and down in the air and on the walls using the number 9 for up and the number 0 for going back down. Press CTRL-SHIFT-C to open a dialog box in the upper left of the window while in the game.

Try this: (This is using Network Prefs in Tiger) May be a little different in Leopard, but should still work the same way.Plug in USB Device. A new port should show; Ethernet Adapter (en2).Select SHOW in the Network Prefs and check Ethenet Apdapter (en2).Hit APPLY. The Ralink Wireless Utility will open, in about 20 seconds it should detect the device: connected. The TCP/IP info should show IP address/Subnet/Router connections.Respond with your results.Message was edited by: Ron R. Usb ralink driver for mac

Type the cheat in bold and press enter.The ObviousThere have always been numerous items that were considered- abnormally large – for the Sims in the Sims 4. Other items size fit their purpose but many of us wanted a smaller version for wider use. There are several examples below and most likely you’ve already thought of most of them. The new ability to decrease their size works very well, by and large.


Skully bear and his friends are an exception. You can see immediately that the eyes disappear when sized down and since it is a interactive item the animations only really work on the first size reduction.

A Guide to using The Sims 4's MoveObjectsOn Cheat. MOO stands for Move Objects On and if you are not familiar with it. You can snug an object closer up to a wall, but be mindful that you. Moo-ving Items Up & Down.

Still, for decor, such as placed on a shelf it works and if you are a toddler you’ll stand and babble at it no matter what it’s size. We’re not really going to discuss the obvious items though.

You know them already. Play around and enjoy.

The Not-So-ObviousBelow Left: A table top Christmas tree has been a request since their introduction. Now we have it. Use the “9” height slider cheat to elevate the tree into position. Shown here I’ve created a smaller version of the fireplace with a mantle tree and shrunken book-ended wreathes to hold a garland in place for an apartment set up. I’ve shown the next smallest fireplace entirely to illustrate the limits of the tool graphically.

For purely decorative purposes I could see the smaller version in bathrooms and bedrooms.Above right is an apartment kitchen look. The wall panel televisions, reduced in size, make great additions tucked under the cabinets. So does the stereo. I’ve shortened the fridge as an example. At one degree smaller from full height it works without any noticeable graphical oddities. Any smaller, like for a bar set up and visually the sim’s interactions are out of sync. As pictured it makes for an urban or European size fridge.My two favorite tests so far are below.

First, adding ornaments to the tree. You can see the array of different items I chose but use your imagination here. Shrink the item in size and using “9” lift it into place.

Hold down the “Alt” button while holding the item and shift it about until it looks right. The inset shows the shrunken snowmen at night.This is my favorite use of shrinking. Take the aquarium, reduce it to the smallest size, then insert it into water to create swimming fish. From right to left you can see the full size items. Then I have shrunken and placed them in the pool. Lastly, I disguised the aquarium box with rocks.

In a full build I would continue with other details. This is just an example. Maybe We ShouldWhile initially playing with this tool there where several items I tried that I was uncertain about.

I’ll illustrate them here so that maybe they will spur your imagination and ingenuity to uncover a use for them that I couldn’t.The video game system works in a fully shrunken form. IF you don’t mind pretending the sims are using Wii style controllers and a holographic screen.

Which, honestly I don’t. I will use it in this fashion. Further I may place a third cabinet in the middle and pretend the unit was a holographic advertisement display for Myshuno. I shrunk the sofa by one degree. This fits with apartment/small house style. The sims almost sit on it.

It needs some tinkering. Then, there is the cupcake factory. I shrunk it to counter size. It does work but only floating in the air, sitting on the floor or on a half wall ledge. It has to be placed with MOO and “9” if floating or using the ledge. Drawbacks aside, it has a much smaller footprint and I’ll integrate it into my steampunk builds.One of my first thoughts was to use a “real” Christmas tree.


I loved it and decorated it in the fashion above but, like all trees, it disappears when you are near it. I do have an example of the shrunken presents shown here. They fit far better in smaller size. The telescope and the DJ booth both have large footprints. Here both have been shrunk by one degree. They work well in this fashion but not otherwise. In the end I couldn’t think of a good reason to do so though.

The amount of space saved was not great. If you’re reading this and have an idea shoot it my way. I’d love to try it.Below is an effect I’d really like to hear ideas from people about. I have tucked the smallest hot tub under a table. Then had the sims get in it and positioned the chairs underneath them.

At the time I was thinking maybe a seance table. I know, I was reaching but I’m still fascinated by the effect. For story telling it might work well as a seance table. Do you have an idea about it? It may go from “maybe” to “definite”. Maybe We Shouldn’tThese last items by and large aren’t worth the trouble.

The microscope, like the telescope has been something of a point of contention with some due to size but the new tool really doesn’t help. Doors and windows are a lost cause too. You can see two of my closest successes here but they would still require a great deal of accessorizing to enable their use. Even then it might just be wasted effort.Lastly, Remember the WhimsyThe best part of this new tool is the exploration it provides. Use it in your game see what it leads you too. During my tests I was playing with the awning below. It occurred to me that it would make a charming addition to the mouse hole in San Myshuno.

It grew from there and I had to make myself stop or the little mouse would have had an estate sized yard when I was done. Find your moment like that but don’t stop. Just go with it and see where it leads you.Thanks for reading.

I hope you take away a little bit of inspiration and a few ideas to incorporate in to your own design. You can see my Sims and their adventures everyday during Morning in the Americas 5:30am CST on Twitch: and at other pre-announced times. Please feel free to follow me on Twitter: Jasonsterling70 Facebook: and the Sims Gallery.

JasonSterlingI'm a 'LifeSimmer' playing since the start in 2000. I live in the American Middle West. I'm married with an 8 year old boy. I love all the Sims iterations.

Here with the Sims Community I'll be focusing on build related articles primarily, illustrating tricks and tips to help your build reflect the player you are and the sims your sims are. Thanks for visiting! Follow me on Twitch Channel: Twitter @JasonSterling70 Youtube:

Edited by EAMai:Locking this thread as this issue was addressed with a patch 6 months ago. If you are experiencing something similar and your game is up to date, please take a look at these similar reports:.None of these describe your issue? Please, use the forums search and if no one has reported it, open a new bug report.Product: The Sims 4Platform: PCWhich language are you playing the game in?

EnglishHow often does the bug occur? Often (50% - 99%)What is your current game version number?

N/aWhat expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? AllSteps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Using the bb.moveobjects cheat, place multiple objects together in ways that cause them to intersect and also on or adjoining to wall(s) of a structure. Attempt to place a wall pattern on a wall (does not necessarily need to be in the same spot as the objects).

Attempt to delete a wall of the structure (does not necessarily need to be in the same spot as the objects). Turn bb.moveobjects off and attempt the same tasks. The behavior can also be observed at times by adding/moving walls/rooms and by applying pool trim.What happens when the bug occurs? As you hover over the wall with the tool you have selected, some of the objects will be highlighted in yellow and then removed when you complete the action. This is more likely to occur with bb.moveobjects turned on. However, sometimes the same or.different. objects will be removed with it turned off.What do you expect to see?

Objects should remain where placed regardless of whether bb.moveobjects is toggled on or off and when 1) wall patterns are applied or 2) walls/rooms.not intersecting the objects. are added/moved/deleted.

If objects intersect or are placed on a given section of wall and.that section of wall. is deleted, it makes sense that the objects attached to it would be deleted as well.Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods?

Never used.Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? No‌This issue and variants of it have been around since bb.moveobjects was introduced. It was originally reported in and was also widely discussed on the forums in. Over time, there have been some improvements, which I believe have helped with some but not all instances originally reported.

What I have described in this thread is still very much an issue.Here are some screen shots of the issue.1. Bb.moveobjects turned on - about to apply wall pattern - you can see the objects near the wall highlighted in yellow, which disappear once the wall pattern is applied.2.

With bb.moveobjects turned off, the objects are no longer highlighted in yellow to be deleted, but now, some of the windows are:3. And here, if I were to delete a connected room, the objects will be removed. I experienced this bug for the first time this week, while participating in the Build-n-Share challenge. I started photographing my house, found a piece of wallpaper that needed to be changed to a different pattern, and changing one panel of wallpaper (the red wallpaper segment in the attached image) somehow dumped a dozen different objects into my inventory. I don't know for sure if the objects in mine were highlighted or not (they were scattered all over the house, including a hamper in a laundry room on the complete opposite side of the house). The build with the buggy wallpaper segment is currently in the Gallery under my ID (SimsIslandheart) as 'Climate Controlled,' if you'd like to try to replicate the problem.I do not have CC or Mods in my game.

The only thing that changed recently was I added the 'Seasons' expansion when it was released. (Legitimate purchase, through Origin) MOO and Kaching were the only cheats used on this build.Thanks! Product: The Sims 4Platform: PCWhich language are you playing the game in? EnglishHow often does the bug occur? Occasionally (10% - 49%)What is your current game version number?

Unknown (Sorry)What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? AllSteps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Turn on bb.moveobjects and then place multiple objects overlapping each other (seems to occur more often when objects are on a wall with a window).

Afterwards, do some editing (like other walls, building rooms, etc) and some objects will disappear as if bb.moveobjects is off.What happens when the bug occurs? Objects will refuse to place down again saying that there is an object blocking it.What do you expect to see?

Objects to stay and be able to be placed down when overlapping an object when bb.moveobjects is turned on.Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? I've removed them.Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? YesPlease describe the patch or change you made. Seems to have happened in the February 2019 StrangerVille patch.‌I'm not sure if this has been going on before but it really causes problem when using BB mode! Thank you for reading and sorry for any inconvenience!

This happened to me for the first time today. All objects were placed without any cheats. Changed the paint in a neighboring room. Now I can't place anything in one half of the room where the objects were moved to inventoru rendering half of that room unusable for absolutely no discernible reason.I'm happy that EA is getting ready to release another pack soon what with all the bugs they haven't fixed yet. So far as I can see, this has been an issue for at least 4 years and it still hasn't been fixed. Leave it to EA.