Unleash X Xbox Skins Rating: 8,6/10 297 votes

That skin pack linked too is actually named as 625 UnleashX skins. After a quick perusal many of the skins are UX ones (identified by their config.xml) but there are a number of EvoX skins (identified by their evox.ini) mixed in too. I recommend the 'blackboltconsolev4' as a good-ish EvoX skin.I actually used Rocky5's UnleashX converter tool on that skin as it works particular well as an UnleashX skin too.

I've done some serious editing work on it recently to improve it. I'll post a screenshot of what I've done if anyone is interested.It'll be interesting to go through all the skins included in that pack, I've already found one UX skin I do not have. I'm a bit of a Xbox skin hoarder and I think over the years I've download just about every UnleashX, EvoX, Avalaunch and XBMC skin worth having which were available at the time.

Xenon Interface X HD - Premium UnleashX Theme (Running on Xbox HDMI) This is a preview of the first premium theme built for UnleashX. This video is the theme running video resolution 720P on original Xbox.

Some I've had but deleted and later regretted doing that because many of those and countless others have been lost now, probably forever.There are some 'adult' skins out there like two old UnleashX ones that use certain notorious YT videos featuring well known female US celebrities as loading screens but I've not seen that many for EvoX. There was one small set of niche fetishistic, hentai and extreme subject matter skins I found once which were definitely not to my taste at all. Whilst I think I've archived them somewhere like those two UX skins they're definitely not installed for use on any of my Xboxes.Problem with EvoX skins is that they're made up of just two images at most: a main background and sometimes, not always, a different loading screen.

That means any old pictures can be and were used. The useful part of the skin ie. The menu/information layout is just added on top via the.INI file.

Many just used the default unedited.INI even though in some cases it made the skin unusable because of the background image used.There are also cases where they've not even changed the EvoX skin name, copying in an.INI from another skin. There is no problem with that if the source skin is not installed but if it is either one or the other will not display in your skin list or displays with the, IMHO ugly, default EvoX background.Finding the offending skin which has used the other's.INI when you have a couple of hundred skins installed to search through is a very tedious job.

There are more than just a few EvoX skins in that pack. I've checked that 625 UnleashX ski pack pretty thoroughly. Although I might have missed some there are at least 85 EvoX skins included.There is also a set of Xecuter 3 skins, two Mame skins and, interestingly, a handful of what appear to be dual dash skins ie. Ones which include both config.xml and.ini files so can be installed either as UnleashX or EvoX skins. I've not seen that done before.A couple of things to watch out for is that a good number of the UnleashX skins are double packed and some folders are actually mini skin pack sub-sets. If you want them to work they have to be extracted from their parent folder(s) before install.Second thing is that UnleashX's unzip tool does not like something in the zipped 625 UnleashX skin pack. It will fail the unzip consistently probably because of unsupported characters or where the path/name is too long for FATX.

XBMC's file manager will unzip the folder because, within limits, that corrects such problems as it unzips. But apart from that useful feature its unzipping facility is crude compared to UnleashX's menu lead options.For that reason I suggest before FTPing the skin pack is unzipped on PC first.Last comment is that there are indeed a number of 'adult' skins in the pack.They're not the most explicit I've seen being used for UX and EvoX skins, usually just T&A, but there are one or two which might frighten the horses. Apologies for bumping this thread but I have been going through the skin pack and installing the ones I didn't have, both UX and EvoX.I came across an oddity with the UX skin: xbox media solution.The skin works fine when installed but I've found it impossible to open the skin.xml using the UX file explorer or text editor.

Swans way fugitive kind blogspot. They produced some fabulous tunes over one album and a clutch of singles. They are one of the few groups that still sound timeless to me and I keep revisiting this album more often than many bigger names.

It freezes the Xbox; I've tried it on three different UX versions - same thing.It opens on PC with Notepad, Wordpad etc as normal and on the Xbox when using XBMC4Xbox's Notepad script. The skin.xml is considereably bigger than other UX skins at 1000B+, more typically they're under half that size.I though that might be it as when opening it in Notepad there is a huge number of blank lines after the actual skin.xml text. But I tested that idea with another skin.xml and that opened correctly under the UX dash.

Original xbox unleashx skins

If it was a syntax matter like an unsupported Xbox/FATX character accidentally used I couldn't find anything and the point is the skin.xml works so it can not be that.On PC there is no indication that it was saved in the wrong text format either; it reports as a.XML like any other UX skin.xml. I copied the skin.xml, just the text, and created new documents using both Notepad and Wordpad saving them as basic.txt documents. They open on the Xbox using UX without issue and all work correctly when renamed and saved as 'skin.xml'It is not an important matter but has me stumped. I've not come across any UX skin.xml that can not be open by UX and freezes the Xbox if you try.Any ideas?EDITI'm not a 100% sure on this but I decided to try again with the original formatting being the most likely culprit.I think what could have happened is that the original skinner was using Word or Wordpad to create/edit the skin.xml and mistakenly saved it as at some point as a.RTF document rather than.TXT.

Later that was resaved, correctly, as a.TXT document but saved using 'Select All'.When that is renamed to skin.xml on the Xbox a). UX file explorer/text editor freezes when you try and open it but b). XBMC Notepad can open it.Now I thought the original skin.xml displayed as normal in XBMC Notepad but on rechecking there are actually some anomalous characters used. What I am thinking is that there must be some formatting metadata included when you save the full document using 'Select All' either with Notepad or Wordpad. It is not not copied when you highlight just the skin.xml text and copy that to a Notepad or even a new Wordpad document.What that still does not explain is why the original skin.xml which UX text tools can not open still works correctly as the skin.xml for that UX skin. Thanks for those - looking at the names there are some there I'm pretty sure I've not seen before.Always like to add more skins to my collection.EditYes, plenty of EvoX skins I'd not seen before, not all to my taste but there are some good ones including what looks like an early versions of the 'blackbolt' skin and a simple variation on that: 'GeminiServer'.