Divinity 2 Original Sin Ending Rating: 8,9/10 5168 votes

Divinity Original Sin 2 Ending Song; Divinity 2 Original Sin Best Ending. Lucian and Dallis want to take all the source and fix the hole.If there is a finite amount of. Submissions should relate to Divinity Original Sin or other works of Larian Studios. Do not put spoilers in the title of your post and mark your posts. Obscure textspoilers with the following: !This is spoilery!

Contents Undated events, ARThe eight, and sought to acquire the power of Source. Utilizing the knowledge of, they overthrew the and sealed the majority of their kind beyond the void.The took place throughout Rivellon, is sealed away in the below Aleroth as a result., in his youth summoned 4 demons and was unable to control them. Maxos answered his pleas for assistance and sealed Bellegar in the until such a time that a brave adventurer would set him free.The first recorded instance of tainted occurs, following a darkness sweeping the land, those who could wield its power no long able to heal, now find themselves as destroyers. As a result of this change the is established to contain the threat from Sourcerer's.One such Sourcerer, used Source to rule his lands with an iron fist and saw others, his sister included as nothing but pawns to his plans. Ruling from on, the tyrant developed tools for containing and purging source from others, enabling his position as the monarch of these land to go unchallenged by those who may oppose him.His time of tyranny was eventually brought to an end by the Order of the Source Hunters.

Defeated by them, he was taken to the mainland to face trial, hung and thrown into a well below. His corpse was retrieved by his disciples and buried in the.

's first emperor, is murdered by three of his own children and a war for the throne begins, each of them being unknowingly manipulated by the demon; who although bound within the airship, the, by the wizard can still enter their thoughts. Maxos, in his desire to ensure the legacy of Sigurd is sustained seeks out the emperor's love child with the dragon.Although his own armies were also influenced by Corvus, through the dreams of the commander's imp mechanic, he prevailed against his half siblings and reunified the lands.4 AR. Two Source Hunters, and are sent to Cyseal to investigate the murder of the local councilor,. As part of their investigations they discover a, discovering a much greater threat on the horizon; the consuming all of time.The two hunter's initial task is intertwined with their destiny, for Jake's death was part of a wider plan by to assist the dragon in its personal mission. Furthermore, as the hunters obtain the star stones (and their tainted form, the blood stone), their true identity and history as the guardians of and their deviation from duties resulting in the dragon's release and corruption of become apparent.Even their smaller acts have had an effect on the events of time, surpassing their own lives on Rivellon., sealed in the primordial cave by Maxos was released by them. His freedom would effect events across the world for over 1300 years.As part of the Immaculates plans, Braccus was resurrected; for brief time, only to be taken down again by the Order of the Source Hunters.

100 ADThe exacted his first attempt to render the demon race the dominant species of Rivellon. His plans were thwarted by the and he returned to hell. 611 ADChaos launched his second assault on Rivellon, with the backing of not only demons, but also the Legion of the Damned, wizards of which many had been cast out due their performance in dark magics and necromancy.

They managed to force the armies of the League of Seven, lead by back to and after a drawn out skirmish in the semi-abandoned town, drove the forces into, just east of the town proper. It was at this time that Ruben formulated a plan from a dream delivered prophecy to exile Chaos back to hell for good. By sacrificing the lives of the Council of Seven (Ruben himself, and ) a divine act was performed.

The legion, now leaderless fled the battlefield in the face of the freshly moralised opposition force and the small number of survivors fell into hiding. The carrying the seed of Chaos' life essence, carried into battle by the dark lord's general was taken by, squire to Ruben. Unknown date c.1200 ADRalph became the leader of the race following the battle and found his time divided between carrying out the duties of his role as the chief battlemage of, spokesperson of the wizards and battling the Sword of Lies. As Ralph's strength to resist the swords strength dwindled, his servants, sensing something was direly wrong petitioned, Ralph's childhood friend to visit him. Seeing the state of his friend and learning of the urgency of the situation, Morreck assisted his childhood friend in sealing the sword between the walls of Stormfist itself.

However before this could be completed, Chaos finally took control of Ralph and he too was sealed within the walls.The passing of the last surviving member of the Legion of the Damned, occurs; taking his own life at. At this time the, descendants of the Damned are in their infancy as a faction, committing comparatively minor hate magics and storm gathering. Zenfar passes on his knowledge of the Sword of Lies to the Ring through his death letter.

The Sword of Lies is retrieved by the young, from the vault in Stormfist Castle's treasure room. Manipulated by the Black Ring, seeking to reviving Chaos, Janus proclaims to be the Divine One.Zandalor finds three Marked Ones, those with the ability to become Divine. They are targets by the Black Ring, to prevent ascension. And are killed by the Ring, however survives multiple attempts on his life.

Finding the newly appointed council members, Lucian ascends to Divinity; however, the majority of the council is killed during the ritual by Janus, with a team of in his stead.Assisted by the, Lucian travels to to eliminate the. Pinnacle studio 9 activation key serial free download. Although able to remove the demon, its plans have reach fruition, with a young babe now infused with the Chaos lord's soul infused within him. Unable to kill the child, Lucian takes him as his own son and names him, with the hope that the child can grow up unaware of his potential and origin.C. 1219/20 ADDamian's demonic abilities make their first appearance after placing his hand in a fire but coming out unscathed.

1228/29 ADDamian doesn't return home after taking his horse for a ride. Lucian sets out in search of him and on searching discovers the boy, legs curled up to his chest and in a state of shock, surrounded by three dead orcs, heads severed from the torsos and hearts burnt out. On coming to, Damian had no recollection of the events and on Lucian's return to the woods, no trace of the orcs could be found. 1231 ADLucian enrolls Damian into on his thirteenth birthday. The paladins themselves take to the enthusiastic young boy.

Damian is allowed to move out of the cottage into the paladin's quarters. 1233 ADDamian excelled at his studies and can best any of the young paladins in combat and was called upon by the villagers for his strong divination abilities. Lucian, satisfied that Damian was progressing well in his new role, embarked on a personal journey, in part to enjoy a flagon of ale and stew without being disturbed and in part to hunt the Black Ring agent, The father of. Discovering his cottage and the malformed children contained within its walls, Lucian burnt the property down as an act of grace. Kalin was discovered the next day by the paladins and thoroughly interrogated.

Kalin in his refusal to answer their questions, bit off his tongue before being executed by Lucian once the interrogations has been completed.Lucian discovered a rift temple beyond the mountains of, after Goliath threw a horse shoe. The act itself seemingly normal was undertaken by the god. Exploring the temple, Lucian falls through a rift, assisted by the gods, (who removed his coin purse from his belt) landing on Earth. Returning to Rivellon, Lucian arranged for the temple to be secured, posting paladins a distance from the perimeter; sensing the temple would have a role of great importance in the future.Damian meets and enters a relationship with Ygerna. Lucian is initially receptive to the relationship however later discovers that Ygerna is a Black Ring operative. Damian arrives at the point of her execution and himself to her and they subsequently escape.Damian becomes the leader of the Ring and mounts and attack on Lucian at the rift temple.

Lucian traps and him in erasing his memory.Damian is taken in by the, who attempt find and return him to his world. After discovering that he is blocked from passing through the rift, the high elder travelled through themselves and discovered the reality of the situation from Lucian.Damian, becoming aware of who he is and his predicament from the high elder, murders the high elder. Confronted by their battle ends with Damian fleeing.

Anlokar replaces her father as the high elder and enforces additional patrols to search forDamian. Patrols are reduced back to once a day as the patrols grow bored of the heightened searches produce nothing of interest.Damian steals the holy crystal of protection from the temple via the on cleaning duty, lifting the seal between the demon plane and Nemesis. As the demons push the Raan back to the academy, Anlokar sends an imp with a message to find the demon commander to negotiate.breaks into Anlokar's chambers, taking her to his lair he confirms her suspicions of Damian's role in the theft of the crystal. He offers Anlokar the opportunity to drive the demons back in exchange for enslavement. Anlokar accepts and the demons are driven back, however, the Ranaar were exterminated.1238 AD. Lucian discovers the reality of how the gods came to be and attempts to restore the status quo.

Sending to the forest under guise of teleporting the elves to safety, he is in fact carrying a that causes their near obliteration. With few souls from which to draw Source from, Tir-Cendelius is no longer able to assist in holding the tear in Source veil closed.

Lucian is seemingly killed by a in an act of betrayal. The Divine Order as a result turns against both demons and dragons in the ensuing chaos until Zandalor reorganises the troops. Damian withdraws from the battle field, his revenge attained.The Divine Order organises a new subdivision within their ranks: the for the sole purpose of hunting the dragon knights to extinction.The last dragon knight, is located in and mortally wounded by the veteran slayer. Talana manages to escape to the ruin between upper and lower Broken Valley where she encounters a freshly initiated dragon slayer. Thrusting her power upon the slayer, she converts them from slayer to, revealing to them the truth that the betrayal was not a unified act of the Knights and the danger which Damian still presented.Damian unleashes his flying fortresses upon Rivellon, eradicating all life from Broken Valley as retaliation for the Dragon Knight's pursuit of him.References.

at the with Lucian states Chaos to be one of the gods. ↑. 's dialogue,.

's opening credits. ↑, Page 91. 's opening credits.

↑., Page 8. Child of the Chaos, page 11. Child of the Chaos pages 12-13. takes place in purged world.