Wow Addon World Quest Tracker Rating: 5,8/10 7980 votes

Not included in this list are bossmods. Those are very well known (DBM/BW).

Source code for the biggest world quest addon for World of Warcraft. View more branches. Latest commit by Tercioo 15 days ago.

Better achievement searching. No frills auction addon for AH casuals like myself. Auto-blocks chat spam like gold sellers etc. More robust icon selecting for macros etc.

Makes it ridiculously easy to filter through the AH for mission collection items (transmog, pets, mounts, toys). For leveling (100+) only. Blizzard removed the quest counter but the 25 quest cap is still in the game. This shows you that counter again. Proper stats / ilvl, like the old character pane used to show. or - Personal preference here, both are great.

More right-click options. or - Better vendor interfaces. Personal preference.

Easy faction management. Makes it easy to find quests / rep turn ins for factions you're working on. Also shows more detailed rep information when gaining / losing rep in chat. Works for Garrison and Class Hall. (PVP) Announces via TTS enemy cooldowns. Let's you know quite strongly when you're standing in bad.

+ + + - Find all the things!. Shows legion-like portal icons for all instances in the game. Instead of Mythic Keystone You will see Mythic Keystone Halls of Valor + 3. Best nameplate addon out there in terms of features / light on cpu. This addon has a TON of QoL features.

Curse wow addons world quest tracker

Download bluestacks for laptop. Too many to explain in a small sentence. Makes it easy to hunt down transmog.

More Garrison/Class Hall QoL stuff. Contains all your minimap icons in a seperate container to keep your minimap looking crisp and not cluttered. If you use the addon MoveAnything this addon is not necessary, though I dont know if MoveAnything allows to you resize this frame.

or - Personal preference. Both are better than the eyesore that is GottaGoFast. Aim for the recipes you want from Nomi.

Tip: To change document comparison settings or the level of detail shown, on the Tools menu, point to Track Changes, click Compare Documents, and then click.Merge two versions of a document.Open one of the two versions of the document that you want to merge.On the Tools menu, click Combine Documents.In the Original document list, select one version of the document.In the Revised document list, browse to the other version of the document, and then click OK.Changes from the revised copy are merged into a new copy that is based on the original version of the document. Revision marks show any differences introduced by the revised copy of the document. The original copy remains untouched. Compare files side by side with deltawalker 2 pro for mac pro. Note: If the Compare Documents option is not available, the document might be protected.

Makes it easy to send large blocks of text. Useful for dropping large tomtom coordinate blocks. Is an item an upgrade? This + simcrafted stat weights = no question!. Is an item an ilvl upgrade for you or someone in your group? This will let everyone know. or - The best chat mods out there.

Prat is a relic of the past. Shows (via tooltip) what a relic gives to all of your specs, not just your current spec.

Pet battles only. Easily track world boss kills / weekly instance clears across all of your characters. Once you've heard them talk before, they'll never show up again! (Talking head windows only ofc). Shows Suramar portal locations on the map.

Re-equips your regular items after using teleport items. This addon makes finding things via coordinates ezpz. Engineering only. A must have if you do a lot of whispers.EDIT Thanks for giving me my first Reddit gold kind stranger!Here's some extra (not necessarily QoL) addons I'd like to throw out there:. World map, sexified!. A nameplate addon like no other.

+ - Sleek toast popup replacement. A skin for WIM. Looks great with many non-standard UIsBored of ElvUI and its variants?

Try one of these!. My favorite UI. Here's a few more that I really like.

Love the list and will definitely steal a few!:3.: Let's you do a 'dropdown' menu similar to the Warlock's demons/Hunter's pets/Mage's portals spells with pretty much anything you want, saving Action Bar space. Here's my using that addon.: For people who want a minimal UI, this addon can be configured to fade out pretty much any part of the UI on conditions.: For Transmog purposes, let's you try on, save and load items along with a Catalog of appearances.: Addons that sorts through drops from dungeons/raids to let you know which items you can learn for Transmog purposes.: Tells you were exactly to turn in armor tokens when farming older raids for transmog purposes.Edit Two more for mount/pet farming:.

WQA helps you find world quest groups quickly and easily.With just a couple of clicks, you can easily find and join a group, or create your own. When you are in proximity of a world quest, WQA will offer to find or create a group for you. One click of the button finds all open groups and another click will start applying to join them. Or, you can create your own group with a single click.Key features:. One-click support to find a group, create a new group, or join existing groups. Keybinding support for full automation - just set the bind and then tap it to find or apply to groups, accept a group invite, create a new group, or leave a group after quest completion. Allows you to create a new group on demand - no waiting for group finder timeouts.

Open up your quest to others without having to wait for a server jump. Allows you to prefer to connect to groups on your home realm, completely avoiding server jumps. Can leave groups automatically after a configurable delay on quest completion, or stay in the group with a keybind you set. Can find groups for quests by middle-clicking their icons on the map.

Handy when you're sitting around waiting for that mob to spawn! Works with both the base UI and World Quest Tracker. Dear youtuber!Have you a channel youtube and want to bring your Video to quality visitors?Do you want your video to appear on our website?Do you want to become partner with us?Just 3 steps to become our partner:Step 1: Make video review for mods, addons, plugins. Which you likeStep 2: Upload this video to youtube and our link to your video descriptionStep 3: Send the youtube video link via message to or leave a comment in the post. We will add your video in the our post, it will help you have more view.JOIN to get more youtube view with us!!!!