Hrd Version 5.24.38 Download Rating: 7,0/10 9174 votes

This download is the same for FULL or TRIAL versions of Ham Radio Deluxe. This download includes all bug fixes to date. The Trial version converts to a Full. Ten-Tec AIRPAX Circuit Breakers This document contains a description of the Model 1170 as used in the 50w rigs like the Argosy, and the Model 1140 as used in the 100w rigs like the Corsair or Omni V. Airpax Circuit breakers.pdf PDF-Dokument 759.2 KB.

Ham Radio Deluxe 5Ham Radio Deluxe was a popular free to use and distribute amateur radio program suite that allowed remote control of most popular transceivers using CAT interface.Along to a logging program, Ham Radio Deluxe 5 offered DM780 a multimode decoding encoding software that allowed CW RTTY PSK and more operating modes.Many other features were offered by this amazing ham radio program, developed by Simon Brown GK4ELI (HB9DRV) and Peter PH1PH (sk) under the freeware licence.In 2011 Simon released the very last free version of ham radio deluxe, the version 5.0 Build 2893. I love HRD (and a lot of other software) but I think the update from this one to the new commercial version is a but overpriced.

From free to over $100 is way to much.Thanks for offering the “old” but still perfect working v5 here.I don’t have a problem with buying software, but this one is over the limit for me (I prefer to buy another radio for my money, and use the free tools available)just something else, I did just build a Bluetooth module in my FT857d mic, module did cost me $12 and works perfect with my android, am now going to test HRD.(if you also want bluetooth CAT control google “Bluetooth CAT yaesu” you find a lot of info.or contact meM6RDVRay. First I would like to say HRD is a great piece of software, and I agree with everyone else, $100 is too much to pay, people would probably go for it if it were maybe $30 bucks. And they would have lots of $30 bucks made until they release the next version. In addition to that I believe that many companies are taking advantage of amateur radio operators because it’s such a proprietary market. There’s no reason why rigs need to cost $10,000+ They still have the same noise that all rigs have and still put out 200 watts like other $1k rigs and have that same DSP and IF filters and nonsense that is just gibber jabber. When heathkit came out with a radio in the 50’s it dollar equivalent in todays money is about $200, Now that’s a bargain, rigs out today are un-necessarily pricey.

Amateur radio is a hobby, it’s not a profession. The few people that do the emergency broadcasts are volunteers, they don’t make anything either. They do this with SLR camera’s as well. Nikon sells their DSLR’s for thousands and they still have compressed video, and they want you to spend thousands on the body then require you to boast a few more thousand for the lens because it’s a “full frame” camera and it needs a “full frame lens” guess what! 35mm film is a full frame camera dammit and they were cheap and every time you snap a photo you are essentially using a brand new full frame sensor, so where’s the logic in that.

Bee gees greatest hits free mp3 download rar. I can go on and on but you get the picture (pun intended). Firstly, and quite most importantly – thank you to Simone for hosting this site, something I expect no doubt he does not get for FREE.Secondly@ MIKHAIL You have absolutely no idea what your talking about.@ JIM Whats wrong with you?

Just because you are old and disabled does not mean software should be any cheaper for you than anyone else! Stop Moaning! The guy is offering the software links free of charge to you -at a cost to him to maintain the server the files are on!@ EVERYONE.

Stop asking questions like can you include this can you fix that. Simone does not OWN the software or provide any kind of service for it!! Stop asking if a new radio can be added. Stop asking if new functions can be added! STOP MOANING about something that’s free.HRD is now commercial. It’s thanks to people like Simone that we can all still use it without lining the pockets of the man who is trying to make a load of money out of it. Simon Brown made it for hams and made it free for hams.

I think he sold it to the American businessman because he was so fed up with stupid people asking dumb questions and then complaining about something that didn’t coast them a dime! If you cant work out that this man is only hosting the files then you shouldn’t even have a Radio licence.

Hrd Version 5.24.38 Download

May I add my thanks to you Simone for maintaining this archive, I’ve been to it on several occasions now and find it extremely useful.I purchased the commercial version about two and half years ago and had a problem after replacing my hard drive. I put my problem on to the forum, and it was suggested to me that I needed to submit a ticket to the owners.

I did so but as my one year’s right to technical advice had expired no help was forthcoming. I didn’t want to pay another $50 just to get back to where I had already been, and so have returned to Simon’s final free offering.It certainly is a very cool piece of software. Greetings – – – What is the BRITISH FIX that makes HRD version 38 different from version 36??Thank you for posting the free versions of HRD.

I try and keep my amateur activities separate from any commercial interests, and it irks the hell out of me when amateurs succomb to the quest for money, as did Mr. Simon.I don’t read any foreign languages but I think I can figure out most of what you are trying to say with your various projects. Take care, andHAPPY EASTER!!!!73,George – W7TTY – Sequim, Washington, USA.

I have an earlier version of HRD and use it with FT950 on Windows 8 and it works perfectly, however, I am changing radios–going to newer FTDX 3000. My version of HRD only supports the FTDX 5000 and 9000, so my question is will it work with the 3000 anyway, or am I going to have to go with one of the last free versions that was made? One other question–when downloading a newer free version–do I delete what I already have or just download over top of it??? Thanks in advance to anyone that can answer those questions. Dear Simone,First and foremost, many thanks for your effort to keep the HRD versions “alive” on this page, and your help.I am writing here as I have encountered an issue with XML data retrieval from have a valid subscription to QRZ XML till June 2016 (had a reply from QRZ editor today that everything is fine.Still HRD (v.5.24.38) can not retrieve any data from QRZ.

All parameters are set correctly (select QRZ on first page and the XML option on second page), callsign check from testing XML box returns correct data of callsigns entered, but when pressing OK and returning to Logbook page, if you check again whether it did hold the settings there is nothing kept and all there are, are the default settings. So it seems software does not keep the selections entered.I have checked HRD on 4 (!) PCs (2xXP Pro, Win-7/64bit/Home Premium and a Win-7/32bit/Home Premium) and all installations have the same problem.Closing firewalls, antivirus etc does not correct the issue.So, before gettigoins nuts:-), I though asking either you or other amateurs here, whether they have encountered this very issue before.In the meantime will download and install earlier versions to test.Any info on this issue will be highly appreciated!73 deSV1HFWNestor. Hello SimoneThank you for the HRD software you DID produced and all the help over the years you gave hams all over the world! I have tried the new version commercial software and to be real truthful IT SUCKS!!! It is bulky slow and has a lot of problems and I tried it on Win 7-7×64-10 first & 10 latest versions & I don’t think it will EVER come close to yours!! Granted it has a few fancy new features BUT I never used them except to find out what they would do.

I have removed all traces of the new version as to NOT offend the publishers (HEAVEN FORBID) and went back to my original FREE copy of your superior software.Licensed Amateur Radio operator in 1996 as IW5EDI, active member of and.Class 1970, married with two childrens, love experimenting and antenna home-brewing. IT System Engineer, recently started having fun with morse code and Raspberry PiThis Blog is mainly dedicated to Amateur Radio (Ham radio) and contains external articles and personal esperiences.MoreMy Content.Mercatino RadioamatorialeSponsor Categories. (109).

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